VAŽNA NAPOMENA : Ukoliko se aplikacija prebaci na SD karticu, widgeti neće raditi! To je ograničenje samog Androida.
Kursna lista Narodne Banke Srbije.
- Srednji/kupovni/prodajni kursevi.
- Informacije o kursu za bilo koji dan počev od 15 maja 2002. godine.
- Konvertor valuta.
- Grafici promene kursa za proteklih mesec dana.
- Indikativni kurs EUR i USD.
- Homescreen widgeti.
- Aplikacija nije delo NBS.
- Količina podataka koja se preuzima prilikom ažuriranja je od 100B do 4KB u zavisnosti od toga pre koliko vremena je izvršeno prethodno ažuriranje. Podaci za jedan dan iznose oko 0.5KB.
- Objavljivanje najnovije liste može kasniti do 10 minuta u odnosu na NBS.
- Srednji/kupovni/prodajni kursevi se mogu videti klikom na samu tabelu, a učitavanje kursa za neki drugi dan klikom na naslov iznad.
- Ukoliko imate spor telefon sa malo memorije i želite da se vratite na prošlu verziju (v1.06), možete je skinuti sa ovog linka:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the application is transferred to the SD card, the widgets will not work! This is a limitation of the Android.
Exchange Rates of the National Bank of Serbia.
- Medium / buying / selling rate.
- Information on the course of any day starting from 15 May 2002. year.
- Currency converter.
- Charts exchange rate for the past month.
- Indicative Rates EUR and USD.
- Homescreen widgets.
- The application is not the work of the NBS.
- The amount of data that is downloaded when updating from 100B to 4KB depending on how long ago it was committed prior update. Data for one day is about 0.5KB.
- The publication of the latest list can be delayed up to 10 minutes compared to the NBS.
- Medium / buying / selling rate can be seen by clicking on the table itself, and loading rate for another day, click on the title above.
- If you have a slow phone with low memory and you want to revert to the previous version (v1.06), you can download it from this link: